In this past week in class we have discussed many different topics. One of the topics that stuck out the most to me was whether or not we are plagiarizing are not. As students, we are asked to write many papers, find articles, make presentations and maybe even write a blog. We can be lazy […]
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Month: September 2015
Originality of Don Quixote
During it’s time, Don Quixote was an original piece of work, but now a days it could be considered as plagiarized. With todays accessibility to pretty much any information, it can be very tempting to just copy and paste anything we want to create our own work. But now, with all the regulations and policies … Continue reading Originality of Don Quixote
The First Don Quixote
Throughout the week in class we have discussed the issue of plagiarism and the effects it has on the modern world. Individuals often know exactly when they are plagiarizing however sometimes the wrong citation could lead to copying other people’s work. That is why it is very important for us to be discussing this subject and learning … Continue reading The First Don Quixote
Plagiarism: Was it Cervantes’ Thing?
With this week’s readings, I have learned about plagiarism and the struggles with copyright in modern times. In this day and age, and throughout history, individuals may fall victim to plagiarism whether they know it or not. It is a difficult act not to fall victim, because most of us are lazy, let’s admit it. … Continue reading Plagiarism: Was it Cervantes’ Thing?
An Original Hidden Meaning
Through this week our freshmen seminar class has been looking at plagiarism, copyright, and the creative commons. The seminar focuses on the interconnection between the digital age and books. New resources such as the creative commons gives authors the opportunity to share their works to the public, this allows the public access to reuse and … Continue reading An Original Hidden Meaning →
Don Quixote the book, was and is still an original piece of literature. In its time it was considered the first book to contain a fictional narrative, creating a path for an entirely new genre of books to be written later in time. Nowadays originality is huge, copyright laws make sure of at; almost everything […]
Don’t Steal my Ideas!
Our society today does not know of a time when copyright laws did not exist, yet there was such a time, hard as it is to believe. Copyright today, is defined as “the exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit aliterary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio, video, etc.:works granted such right by law on or after January 1, 1978, are protected for the lifetime of the author or creator and for a period of50 years after his or her death” ( In Cervantes’s time period, such copyright laws did not exist and any work was available for another artist, or writer to … Continue reading Don’t Steal my Ideas! →
What happens when plagiarism becomes the...
Recently, it has become more and more common to see many students adopt or simply take someone else’s work and argue that it’s not plagiarism. This poses a great problem both for universities, many of which have set in place strict guidelines monitoring the moral and honorable integrity of students, and also to the students […]
DQ, imitation, GIFs and plagiarism
make animated gifs like this at MakeaGif This week in my freshman seminar Digital Don Quixote, we are addressing the question of copyrights, Creative Commons and plagiarism at the same time we have been reading chapter 7-9 of Part … Continue reading →
The Integrity of Copyright and Plagiaris...
In today’s society, information is abundantly available online at our fingertips. As people are doing research and finding information through other’s cited works, it can be tempting to just copy and paste correct information and hold it as your own. Also, with so many different types of information and laws, legally giving credit to authors … Continue reading The Integrity of Copyright and Plagiarism →