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Don Quixote Has Not Changed

Don Quixote Has Not Changed

Since the beginning of the novel, it has been obvious to the reader that Don Quixote is crazy. From the previous reading we had to do, I thought he was changing and starting to grow out of his delusional tendencies but from the last reading, I realized that he was back to his old self […]

Don Quixote is Slowly Changing.

Don Quixote is Slowly Changing.

Don Quixote’s madness has begun to alienate him but towards the end of the reading he shows promise that he is still capable of telling a great story and being aware of his surroundings. To go back to how Don Quixote’s madness is alienating himself, I give the example of how instead of returning to […]

Don Quixote Does Not Belong

Don Quixote Does Not Belong

As I finish the twenty-seventh chapter, I reminisce about the laughter I had while reading the novel. Don Quixote’s characteristics couldn’t be more different than what they should be as a chivalric knight. He has the brains of a child but the confidence of a successful king! The amount of times Don Quixote thinks he […]