This week in class we went over twitter bots. They are AI that can create sentences from whatever is imputed into their system. These bots put their own “spin” to the readings imputed, creating a new story with similar parts. They are essentially their own unique author. And this goes along with in class, us learning about authors. They use their knowledge and experiences to output a story. Then other authors use their stories as inspiration, and this never-ending chain continues. This is seen through Don Quixote as well. There are many different people telling several small stories all to add up to one large one- Don Quixote. Authors need to be studied to make sense of their writing.

In the article we read on authors, it said the writing was more important than the creator. I  disagree with this because knowing the author can give the writing much more background. Usually authors write stories based on themselves, to fully understand their perspective and position they take, it’s important to know them. There are examples throughout Don Quixote of this. In the middle of Ch.27, Cardenio is recalling the story of his lost love.

“Cardenio said that he remembered it perfectly and that it was in these words:

“Luscinda to Cardenio.

“Every day I discover merits in you that oblige and compel me to hold you in higher estimation; so if you desire to relieve me of this obligation without cost to my honour, you may easily do so. I have a father who knows you and loves me dearly, who without putting any constraint on my inclination will grant what will be reasonable for you to have, if it be that you value me as you say and as I believe you do.” (Don Quixote by Cervantes translated by John Ormsby)

Cardenio’s story helps the reader understand more about him. But him staying in the woods heartbroken with serious mental issues, helps to understand his story even better. It is interesting how Cervantes uses these different characters (or bots) to create stories, at the same time continuing to build up Don Quixote’s story.

While you can read a story without knowing the author, it can be incredibly hard to relate to it, especially fiction. By studying the author, the story is made way more realistic. That is because you know the author has had experience with what he is writing. Back to Cardenio’s example, if one only read his story you would feel bad he didn’t marry his true love. But they wouldn’t feel too bad, they probably assumed he found someone else and lived happy. But, by seeing Cardenio act mad, the reader can realistically understand more. They see the “author” is still affected by it.

Psychometamorphosis blog Posted on November 11th 2012

That’s why I believe Cervantes is a writing genius. He understands in stories the importance of knowing the creator of the story. That’s why he has so many different characters tell stories. It is so through this book, you can relate and find similarities with many of the characters instead of only limiting yourself to the protagonist and their close party. It is an interesting way that Don Quixote is written.

In conclusion, while writing lasts forever, one cannot fully gain a true perspective and a realistic viewpoint from the story, until understanding the author. The author is very important to reading and making a deeper sense of it. Cervantes uses this, in his story Don Quixote. He has a translator, narrator, and several characters tell their story of Don Quixote. They are essentially “authors” or “bots” of their own. All to help add to the story of Don Quixote.