In chapter’s 9-14 Cervantes writing style becomes a bit unconventional. By the start of chapter 9 us readers know we are in for a bit of a different experience. In these chapter’s as different characters are presented coupled with the characterization of Don Quixote himself we start to better understand why this story was written

Cervantes the master mind.

The beginning of chapter 9 can be viewed as unnecessarily confusing or genius. In my opinion this is literary genius. Cervantes physically takes us out of his own story without ever talking to us and places us into his own made up reality. Now no one can be sure what Cervantes was thinking, but if I had to guess it would be to remind us readers that this is just a story. He is playing around with the sense of fantasy and reality by switching backing forth and making us brutally aware that this is indeed just a story. I also think Cervantes was poking fun at the idea that these tales of knighthood had zero validity and since it is just a tale he can do what ever he wants. I guess 400 years ago this was considered a knee slapper.

Sancho the confused.

In these chapters we also get more acquainted with Sancho the trustee side kick. But as the story progresses the natural question becomes why does he stick around? I mean would you leave you family to travel around with a crazy old man who promises to make you governor of an island? To each their own I suppose. But little comments such as, “And if truth be told, food that I eat in a corner somewhere, without all that fussing and table manners tastes better to me than turkey on tables, where I have to chew slowly, drink little, use my napkin a lot…” (pg.84) start to show us that Sancho is getting a little tired of his master and may start to change his mind about this whole squire business.

Marcela the tragically beautiful.

Marcela the beautiful is a woman way before her time. Today she would be her own Disney princess, have her own talk show, or possibly hold political office- But, unfortunately for this beautiful, rich, independent woman who don’t need no man, she is 400 years too early. The character of Marcela would bring any feminist to their feet especially in such an early work like this. Unfortunately for Grisostomo the scholar, Marcela was quiet literally too hot to handle. Through these two characters we start to tap into Cervante’s soft side. Cervantes believes that love is based on the adornments of the soul rather than a woman’s beauty, another progressive idea that people today still struggle to understand. Grisostomo serves as an archetype for the human condition of lust and how it can be deadly (usually not literally, but you get the idea).

Cervante takes us on much more than just a knights journey. He takes us on a journey through social enlightenment through Don Quixote. Although Don Quixote isn’t very sharp with his sheath, he is the best of his time at combatting social misconceptions, a true hero.